Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tall, white crane

Tall, white crane; long, brown
reeds muddy the blue water--
Unseeing cars pass.

A placid shrewdness

A placid shrewdness
turns to laser focus as
the cat stalks its prey.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not a Haiku

You remind me of hard rock
and mullets
and Chevys carefully painted with primer;
of boys who never liked me in high school,
who wore hatred as casually as a t-shirt
and as lovingly as a favorite pair of jeans.
And, instantly!, I'm fifteen and ugly again --
feeling alone, fumbling with a cigarette,
wishing you'd deign to just look at me, and
maybe like me just a little.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Furry bodies lie...

Furry bodies lie,
some as if sleeping, others
twisted by Death’s maul.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

If & Only

"If only": The two
stupidest words in English
when put together.


Disquiet rages
in me when I think of it.
Thinking makes it so.*

*=Thank you, Master Shakespeare, for that incredible, beautiful line! (Hamlet, Act 2, scene 2, 239–251)

It's Easy

It’s easy to think
of you with desires like
love: I don’t know you.