Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Senryu, a Something, & a 2 Versions of a Tanka

Sun beats down all day.
Fans blow the air around,
drying our sweat.


Sitting outside,
I scared the feral cats,
who only know me through
glass windows.


Lalla wrote that
she became a lotus
not a sedge flower,
which she thought was better
But aren't both beautiful?


Lalla wrote that
she became a lotus
not a sedge flower.
But I like weedy sedge flowers.
Some will say I missed her point.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Finally wrote something.

Cold June rain
& disappointing peaches...
Where are my wool socks?


Bright white Summer sun,
pink-white blackberry flowers--
no fruit yet.


Walking downhill,
assessing neighbors' yards,
smelling their roses.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Senryu or Haiku? And what's Tanka?

After you read the link, you'll understand why I often think I should have named this blog "Sorta Kinda Senryu." But, as is obvious from reading my earlier writing, I didn't really know what Haiku were, let alone Senryu. And I'd heard of Tanka before, but never tried to write one. I've only written a couple. Here's one I wrote this morning.

Blackberry flowers, 
white & delicate in the sun; 
milk thistle purple 
fringe on the green, thorny stalk; 
nothing ripe yet.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Two Senryu? Two Somethings.

Waking a cat --
a flurry of furry fear,
then the look of Death.


My back hurts again.
The weeds in the garden

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Spring afternoon

Spring afternoon,
the smell of purple flowers!
I don't know their name.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Hating the gray rain-- 
But the little purple flowers! 
The grassy green hills!


Cold rain beats the roof-- 
then yellow-breasted bird song 
and warm sun.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Wrote a few today!

At last, bright Sun!
Even among the trash cans,
your rays touch and warm.


The green of the hills
dotted with mostly black cows--
sunny break from rain.


Toes poke out of holes.
Grandma's crocheted orange blanket--
I sure miss her.


Berry cobbler
made with just cake mix and berries.
I miss my grandma.


My other grandma
would cheat at cards a little
and laugh a lot.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Written Yesterday

Gray-green tide rolls in,
white and gray seagulls hover,
searching for fish.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The moon's face tonight!

The moon's face tonight!
But cloudless skies are full of wind,
and my feet are cold.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Two for Today

Watching gray downpour,
the cat scratches suddenly.
Probably fleas.


Big, slanting raindrops --
a yellow-breasted bird hops
in between showers.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Sitting alone

Sitting alone,
thoughts whirl and spin until...
Ah! Some quiet!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Bleak Oakland night

Bleak Oakland night--
dogwood flowers shine
in the floodlights.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Dark expanse of ocean

Dark expanse of ocean,
waves invisible--
distant city lights.

Warm air and birdsong!

Warm air and birdsong!
Hints of Spring stream in
the open window.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Written yesterday

Sunny cold:--
a flock of white polka dots 
over blue waters.


Ah! Finally warm!
I hope I remember this 

when the bill comes.