Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sweet, seedy figs bridge (9/2/14)

Sweet, seedy figs bridge
this hot Indian Summer with 
cool, windy, cold Fall.

I want to be sharp, sharp, sharp! (9/5/14)

I want to be sharp, sharp, sharp!
But, like a dull knife,
I only cut bluntly.

The car glides along (9/7/14)

The car glides along--
she applies more makeup and 
removes the curlers.

I walk past roses (9/11/14)

I walk past roses
thinking about the drought, and 
dying bees.

I walked the beach last time (9/12)

I walked the beach last time,
hating the sand in my shoes.
Now I miss it.

New-ish dancers...

New-ish dancers
practice and...! A rarity!

Comforting drumming (9/18/14)

Comforting drumming
on the roof. Plants reach up to 
greet rain with parched leaves.

Small jumble of socks (9/24/14)

Small jumble of socks
piled on the comforter--
cold night air drifts in.

I bundled black socks (9/24/14)

I bundled black socks: 
the pile of faded color
depressed me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

And Another!

Sweet, seedy figs bridge
this hot Indian Summer with 
cool, windy, cold Fall.

Yet Another Actually Written Today!

Nectarine juice on
my sticky hands-- the smell of
fading Summer.

Actually Also Written Today!

The corpse of a hawk--
I am sorrier than if
it were a turkey.


Summer's end?  Not here:
black and white birds fly past
parched grass to a green tree.


a way of seeing old things
in new shapes and colors.


I was introduced to the idea of "The Kaleidoscope" for battling clinical depression and negativity by the app called "SuperBetter."  I forget about it a lot, but it's a really valuable tool when I remember to use it.


Brown trees-- no water
to sustain them, nor the birds
lighting on their branches.

They Say...

The danger comes when 
inertia's gone-- you're alone
again, feeling too much.

More 8/5/14

Heavy clouds hang
in gray skies unmoving.
May the rain come!

Also 8/5/14

Welcome escape:
a king snake gently swallows

a sick mouse.


Small birds devour
seeds -- movement
in muggy inertia.


At least when I cough,
I don't feel lonely. I guess
I miss lots of phlegm.

8/13/14-- 2 Versions.

Dark periwinkle
curves of clouds, lit by the
bright yellow moon.  


Dark periwinkle
curves of clouds, lit by the
bright yellow 

Also Written 8/17/14 & about the Same Place

Sounds of crickets from
a stereo. I'd rather
hear the real thing. 


Grimy city, full
of human misery. Where
are the grass, trees, birds? 


By all accounts of the well-traveled, San Francisco is a relatively clean city.  But that's not how it seemed to me this particular day.

Actually Written Today!

Sweet, seedy figs bridge
this hot Indian Summer with
cool, windy, cold Fall.


I long for figs--
sweet and seedy Summer fruit
praised by ancients. 

The Significance Pumpkin Bread Even in August

I blend the butter,
sugar, eggs, pumpkin. Comfort
comes in an hour.


Dreary skies shine gray.
Muggy air presses down, but a
brown dove soars up, up.

During the Napa Earthquake (We're All Fine-- Nothing Broken, No One Hurt in the Hattersley House)

Wake to rolling earth--
we hold hands in bed, waiting
for pictures to fall.


Cats knead blankets,
settling into balls of fur
on my wide lap.


Rushing in, she smells
of Earl Grey tea and cool night air.

Then, sounds of crickets.